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It is key that therapy be a space where teens can open up and discuss their stressors without the worries of feeling judged or misunderstood. 


The teenage years can be a challenging transitional period. Research shows that the teenage years are the most emotionally up-and-down years in a person’s life. In addition to greater difficulties with emotions, this is a time of increased independence, increased reliance on friends for support, increased responsibility at home and school, and increased risk-taking behavior. With the added pressures of tougher school workloads, starting first jobs, starting to date, starting to drive, and a host of other firsts, it can sometimes be difficult for teens to adjust and find balance.



Teens’ increased desire for independence can also make it less likely that they turn to their parents when things get really difficult. This is why teen therapy is so important. It is key that therapy be a space where teens can open up and discuss their stressors without the worries of feeling judged or misunderstood. The therapist must be someone the teen can trust, and there must be an agreement between the parents, teen, and therapist about what stays between the therapist and teen and what must be shared with the parents. These are things that are discussed at the beginning of therapy so that the teen can start therapy feeling as free as possible to open up and get the help that they need.


The transition to the teenage years can be difficult for parents as well. Parents often are not sure what is or is not typical teen behavior, and this can lead to many questions. Is my teen too angry? Is my teen lazy or depressed? Is my teen asking for too much independence? Is my teen not independent enough? When parents are uncertain of how to handle common teenage issues there can be a breakdown in their ability to manage teen behavior. Parenting is NOT easy at all, but it is possible to gain the confidence, strength, and skill to guide your teen. Addressing parenting strategies can lead to less stress and anxiety for the parents which in turn can lead to less stress and anxiety for your teen.


As teens learn to navigate the world more independently there are also more opportunities for conflict with parents about what teens should or should not be allowed to do. If things have gotten to be difficult between you and your teen, it is possible to begin having a different relationship—one that is more positive and deeply connected. Teen therapy can also be paired with joint parent + teen sessions to increase both parent and teen self-awareness, improve communication, and create and better home-life dynamic.





The Classic is your standard 60-minute therapy session. This service is recommended on a weekly basis, as research shows that weekly therapy is the most effective for creating lasting change. The Classic is great for creating accountability, reviewing progress on weekly goals, and formulating new goals and strategies for the future.

This is a take on the 50-minute therapy session, but it is with parents only. These sessions are not meant to be a time for parents to learn about every little detail of what is discussed in the teen session. Rather, this session is meant to supplement the teen session by providing parents with emotional support and practical guidance for how to handle what is happening with their teen.

The joint session is a longer, 90-minute session. Extending the length of the session guarantees that everyone in the room has their voice heard. This session is meant to help both teen and parents work on concrete communication skills regarding everyday life issues or issues that are coming up in therapy. This can include hashing out any arguments that have become to difficult to have outside of therapy.


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