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Lovelessness (i.e., the absence of Love) hurts all of us. We heal when we reverse the impacts of this in our individual lives, restoring order and balance and creating a clear path for us to be fully empowered, fully impactful individuals. Whether you experienced trauma throughout your life or find yourself stressed, anxious, and unable to create the life you desire despite your best efforts, whatever the problem, we all desire to be free from our deepest troubles to experience a life filled with ease and Love.


Black & started as a reflection of what it has meant to live at the intersection of being Black and any other identity in America. In this country, lovelessness towards Black people has been commonplace. To be Black and a woman, to be Black and a man, to be Black and LGBTQ+, to be Black and...., you name it, has carried with it deep meaning and a unique experience of what it is like to walk this earth. Although these experiences shape our lives, they need not define our lives. To be validated, to be seen and heard, is what we all seek, and it is what allows us to heal. By turning Loving attention to where we hurt the most, we reverse dis-order in our lives and achieve alignment. Black & was created as a space to symbolize that principle. Your experiences matter and, if you desire to do so, you can rise above any experience in your life, rewrite the story, and create exactly the life experience you desire.


 The work that is done here aims to reverse the effects of lovelessness in all of its forms both within individuals and in broader communities. Black & is open to all and it is for Black individuals, and naming this is important so that Black people can know this is a safe place to heal.The work done here is rooted in Love, and Love is not exclusionary. Love being at the core of this work is also the reason why Blackness can be freely centered because we all deserve to be centered.


You are welcome here and we are grateful to support you in your journey to wholeness.







Dr. Ruth K. Smith



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The Art
of Re-
Your Story

Dr. Ruth K. Smith, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founder & Owner

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Brené Brown


Wherever things are feeling imbalanced or out of control in life, therapy can support you in re-taking your place in the driver's seat of your life. This is done using specific strategies for helping you master your thoughts and feelings which in turn allows you to master your behaviors. In therapy, you learn to recognize what is in your control and how to exercise that control to the best of your ability. Often times, either the issues we encounter or our responses to them cycle through on repeat--almost like a script. In therapy you learn to rewrite your story and literally become the master of your own destiny. Learn more about therapy at Black & by clicking any of the links below!


To achieve balance in our lives, it is most helpful to incorporate strategies that bring the mind and body into alignment. Furthermore, each of us has an inner guidance system which allows us to become aware of the bigger picture of our lives and make decisions that align us with our purpose. Wellness services at Black & are intended to enhance your therapy experience allowing the changes you make to take hold in a deeper, more lasting way. These services include workshops on mindfulness and meditation, yoga, intuition building, and more! Click below to learn more about wellness offerings provided by partners of Black &.

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